Kansas State ADA Digital Accessibility Requirements – A handy guide to ensure your website accessibility!

By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins
ADA Compliance Kansas

When the entire world is endeavoring to achieve maximum accessibility for their digital products and services, 堪萨斯州也在认真对待这个问题. 为残障人士着想, Kansas has developed its information and communication technology accessibility standards which is called ITEC (Information Technology Executive Council) 1210. This standard ensures the accessibility and usability of all websites and applications across the state and the standards based on Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.0 一致性等级为A和AA.

堪萨斯州立大学对每一项采购的ICT产品和服务都规定了这一点, developed, maintained, and/or used by state entities - including those which are built internally or developed on contractual terms (provided by third-party vendors to state entities) - to conform with revised 508 standards.


《pg电子官网》已于十月二十六日生效, 2000, in Kansas state. The main aim of adopting the policy was to remove accessibility barriers from all state websites and applications thereby people with disabilities can access online information without anybody’s assistance.


Version 1.1.2006年10月26日修订.

Version 1.1.2 - 2009年4月23日修订.

Version 2.最终修订(当前版本)于10月23日修订, 2010, 哪一个有18个月的推出期. 自2012年5月23日起施行.

The latest revised version of the policy contains all technical requirements for ICT products and services to ensure their accessibility for individuals with disabilities.


The State of Kansas ICT accessibility standards are majorly based on the revised guidelines of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and WCAG 2.0 (as written above). Some portions of the text of this policy have been extracted in whole or in part from the Section 508 standards 36 C.F.R. Part of 1194.

Section 508 standards 没有完全纳入堪萨斯州的ICT政策. 根据堪萨斯州的资源和需要,对标准进行了一些修改. All state entities are expected to conform with those modified standards to be compliant in Kansas state.

According to section 7.1 of the ICT policy, all state entities must comply with the set requirements within 18 months of the publication date of the policy (which was May 23, 2012).

Moreover, any component or a part of existing ICT that conforms to Information and Communication Technology Policy 1201 Revision 2 is not required to be modified for conforming Section 508 or other standards specified in Section 7.2.

公共安全系统不受这些标准的约束. If ICT parts or components are used for maintenance or monitoring purposes only by authoritative personnel, 这些部件不应要求符合规定的标准.

If conformance to requirements would impose an undue burden on entities or would result in a fundamental alteration in the nature of the ICT, 实体可以请求异常. The State Coordinator and the Director of IT Accessibility review the requests and grant an exception if the requests are genuine.

Also, 如果部分部件不符合ICT政策的要求, 或者他们会承受不应有的负担, then the entity must provide alternative options to individuals with disabilities to access and use that part.

It is state entities’ responsibility to ensure that each functionality of their website/application is usable to all users including those with disabilities either directly or by using assistive technology.

当国家实体发展, maintain, use, or procure an ICT, it is imperative that they consider the needs of users with disabilities to understand how those users will perform the functions.

Every electronic content, 即使它不面向公众, 应符合无障碍要求. 如果此类内容用于商业目的并用于紧急通知, 内部或外部程序公告, 关于一些重要信息的通知, a survey questionnaire, forms, study materials, etc.,则要求内容是可访问的.

Please note here that records that are maintained by the State Record Board are not required to conform with the ICT policy of Kansas State.

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The first step is to assess the compliance of the website/application and find out the scope of required remediation. Make an inventory list of all content and understand what types of content you have so that you know what is there to be addressed. 一旦你确定了你的网页内容的性质和范围, 开始诊断妨碍网页可用性的可访问性问题. 相应地,决定需要什么补救措施.

After the assessment of content and prioritizing the remediation process for compliance with ITC policy 1210, 开始整理信息,制定适当的补救计划. 该计划必须考虑到您对内容和补救要求的评估. Also, consider the available resources to take concrete steps and achieve accessibility in a specified timeline. 在修复网页时考虑不适当的负担.

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Maintain accessibility of digital assets and assist people with disabilities to utilize your website/application!

Once your website or application meets the accessibility requirements of ITC policy 1210 of Kansas state, 保持它是至关重要的. Your web development partners can help you to remediate the website and then maintain its accessibility with the recommended accessibility standards.

Your accessible website will help many users to access online information at their ease and it will be an aid for your brand reputation as well!

天网科技很自豪 万维网联盟 and 国际无障碍专业人士协会(IAAP)会员 并成为全球无障碍社区的一部分,以跟上合规指导方针的步伐.

Whether you require quick enhancements or a comprehensive overhaul of your website accessibility, 请放心,我们能满足您的需求. We offer full-service 网站无障碍修复解决方案,包括设计、审核、咨询、补救、维护、支持和持续监控. 我们的目标是让所有人都可以访问您的数字存在,确保包容性. Email at [email protected] or 请求ADA网站可访问性补救报价 .